Marketing 2020 20th Edition Test Bank By Pride

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True / False

1. The strategic planning process begins with a detailed analysis of the organization's strengths and weaknesses and the identification of opportunities and threats within the marketing environment.

2. ​A marketing strategy is a written document that specifies the activities to be performed to implement and control a firm's marketing activities.

3. ​Marketing strategies should be established before marketing objectives are decided.

4. ​A core competency is something a firm does extremely well-sometimes so well that it gives the company an advantage over its competition.

5. ​A competitive advantage is created when a company matches its core competency to the opportunities it has discovered in the market.

6. ​The analysis of strengths and weaknesses focuses on internal factors that give the organization certain advantages and disadvantages in meeting the needs of its target markets.

7. ​A long-term view, or vision, of what the organization wants to become is called a mission proclamation.

8. ​A firm's organizational mission should be derived from its goals.

9. ​An organization's goals focus on the ends or results that the firm seeks.

10. ​Marketing objectives should be stated in such a way that the degree of accomplishment can be measured accurately.

11. ​Marketing objectives state what is to be accomplished through marketing activities.

12. ​A marketing objective need not be consistent with the firm's overall objectives.

13. ​Corporate strategy determines the means for utilizing resources in the functional areas of business to reach the organization's goals.

14. ​Corporate strategic planners focus on dimensions such as competition, diversification, differentiation, environmental focus, and interrelationships among SBUs.

15. ​A strategic business unit is not self-supporting in terms of sales, markets, production, and other resources.